
How to Say Nothing in 500 Words (A Lesson on Writing)

Undoubtedly Dosh Dosh is one of my favorite online blogging friends, this another lovely piece for the 'blogging champion'.....enjoy. The ability to write well is very useful for our personal and professional lives. It helps students, business people, politicians, writers, bloggers, marketers and everyone who has ever needed to arrange words together to convey ideas or opinions . The written word has become an essential means of social communication: mastery of it helps you to enthrall and persuade an audience that would look upon you favorably in return. It goes without saying that learning how to create compelling content is a part of one’s success as an online publisher. Reading widely and deeply while consistently honing your writing skills helps a great deal in bettering your prose. Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to read a few stylebooks/essays on writing by professional teachers or authors. One of these essays on writing is Paul McHenry Roberts’s How to Say Nothing in Fiv...
So far i have been working on drawing traffic to my blogs. I found out that one of the best ways to draw triffic to your blog is by commenting on other people's blogs. Althouht many bloggers do this, this is what my friend Dosh has to say A comment left on a popular blog may be viewed by a few hundred people in one day. Multiply that by the lifespan of the blog and you’ll see that a simple comment may say a lot about you. Every blog comment is usually permanent. It’s not just a hyperlink but a long-term representation of your brand. Too many webmasters view blog commenting as only a traffic or link building strategy. This rigid marketing emphasis has led to certain modes of behavior. For example, one might make the effort to comment exclusively on blogs with nofollow turned off, while using keyword names in order to increase the search engine ranking for one’s website. Alternatively, you may also try to be the first to comment on ...

Making Money Online With Kontera

In my search for more options to increase my online advertising revenue, I decided to sign up for Kontera ContentLink . Well if you are thinking of Kontera or just want to know how it works, this post if for you. So what is Kontera you ask? Kontera is a publisher network where website and blog owners join in which In-Text ads appear on their pages from some of Kontera's Advertisers. Kontera is another great way that people are making money online from home. Remember when I talked about Google Adsense, well this is very similar. With Kontera ContentLink, advertisers pay to also show their ads. The only difference is that what happens with Kontera is they are called In-Text ads meaning that words on your website will turn into links. When people point their cursor over the keyword which is now a link a small window will appear with a small ad linking to the advertisers website. Here is what this window will look like: As you can see the Kontera ContentLink Advertisement is relev...

Write and earn as online writer or freelance writer

One other way to earn money online is to write and publish articles on all kinds of topics and make money online. Here are some of the best websites I found where you can sell your writing and earn money by working from home: 1. eHow - This website is the easiest of all. You start out writing how to articles of 150 words and earn residual income. 2. Associated Content - This website has been around for a while but it is one of the few that still offers upfront money for articles written on the website. 3. Helium - They offer upfront payment according to writer status and stars. 4. Hubpages - Write, publish and earn through, Adsense, Kontera, ebay and Amazon. Revenue is shared in the ration of 60-40 between Hubpages and the Publisher. 5) Suite 101 - This website is harder to achieve writer status. 6) Daily Article - Sell your articles for money. 7) Constant Content - Sell your articles for money. 8) Rent a Coder - Bid on writing assignments. 9) : Create blog, publis...

Top 5 Posts in March

These are the top 5 posts based on pages viewed by visitors to this blog in March Nine ways to make money online - Part 1 Writing for the Web How to make people read your post Creating a blog Earn money using yahoo search

Display adverts on your blog or website to earn money

So far I had noticed some increased traffic on my two blogs - and and I had more that 15 posts on each blog. It was time to start marking some money online ! My next step was to sign up with a Google Adsens and Kontera so that I could display ads or sell ad space to earn money. If you have just started blogging or have been blogging for some time and wishes to advertise on your blog, here are some of the best resources to consider are: 1. Kontera : Kontera lets you make more money from your posts, without giving up any advertising space. 2. Google Adsense : Google Adsense delivers text and image ads to the authorized websites/blogs depending on the content of the website. 3. Adbrite : Adsense doesn't allow to show their ads on blog with certain types of content, like adult and gambling. In this case you need Adbrite. 4. FeedBurner : FeedBurner is a great tool to monetize your RSS feed. 5. Blogads : You can use...

Promoting your site for traffic

So far on my journey of making money online I have learnt how to create a blog as well as discover over 9 different online money making catefories from which I could start earning some money online, I had also discover another 4 ways to make money online based on a person's profession. As you may have seen in my last post, earn $10.30 in my first month from Goggle Adsense as well as another $10.00 from Yahoo through My home page friends . My next aim is to promote my blogs and have traffic streaming to my blogs. In this post, I share with 3 major ways of promoting your blog or website. Promote your blog or website by submitting articles to article directories: Whenever an article by you is published somewhere, with a link back to your site, you can expect that some people will click through and visit your site. Many webmasters and ezine publishers are hungry for good content and if you provide it, then you have a good chance of being published. This method also helps indirectl...