Display adverts on your blog or website to earn money
So far I had noticed some increased traffic on my two blogs - http://albertopoku.blogspot.com and http://lets-inpire.blogspot.com and I had more that 15 posts on each blog. It was time to start marking some money online!
My next step was to sign up with a Google Adsens and Kontera so that I could display ads or sell ad space to earn money. If you have just started blogging or have been blogging for some time and wishes to advertise on your blog, here are some of the best resources to consider are:
1. Kontera : Kontera lets you make more money from your posts, without giving up any advertising space.
2. Google Adsense : Google Adsense delivers text and image ads to the authorized websites/blogs depending on the content of the website.
3. Adbrite : Adsense doesn't allow to show their ads on blog with certain types of content, like adult and gambling. In this case you need Adbrite.
5. Blogads : You can use Blogads as an effective tool to have a better control over the advertisers in your blogs.