Writing for the Web

So far on my journey to make money online, I have created a blog http://albertopoku.blogspot.com/ (click here to read on how to create a blog). I now had to start writing! As a new blogger, these are some of the things I learnt on how to start writing for the web and I hope you find it useful.

Focus on a Niche -If you’re blogging with the intention of making money, focus on a niche. It will boost your search engine rankings, make it easier to target an audience, and make your advertising more effective. There are lots of bloggers that write about anything that catches their interest (I’m one of them), but if you want to make money you’ll be better off splitting your interests into individual blogs.

Post Regularly -Whether you plan on posting every day or a couple of times a week, determine a posting schedule and stick with it. When you post regularly, you’ll notice a slow, but steady increase in your traffic and subscriptions.

Write Good Titles - The better the title, the more likely a post is to be read. Your headline is the first, and perhaps only, impression you make on a prospective reader. Without a headline or post title that turns a browser into a reader, the rest of your words may as well not even exist.

Write for the Computer Screen - With few exceptions (the occasional roundup, or how to piece like this one), you’ll want to keep your posts short. Most people will find you through a search engine. They’re looking for specific information and if they don’t find it, they’ll be gone in a second. Literally. When you write for the web: Shorter is better. Keep it short. Be brief.


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